Finlayson's Squirrel
Callosciurus finlaysonii
This arboreal squirrel is exceedingly energetic, spending upwards of 75% to 96% of its time being active. Most of this time is devoted to foraging; for bark and buds in winter, flowers in spring, fruits, seeds, and insects in summer and autumn. Males will also fervently chase females as part of courtship.
A finlayson’s squirrel showing off its climbing ability.
A Squirrel of Many Colours
The Finlayson's squirrel comes in many colours. Depending on the subgroup and individual, this species of fashionable squirrels wear drastically different coats — from multicoloured ones of rufous fur with a white underside, to cinnamon-coloured reds with dark blotches, as well as just monochrome black and white getups. This colourful variation among fur coats has given it the alternative name of 'variable squirrel'.
“Beautiful Squirrels”
The Finlayson's species belongs to the genus of squirrels known as 'Callosciurus; also referred to as "beautiful squirrels". They scurry through the treetops of tropical rainforests and city parks throughout Southeast Asia, feeding on the typical squirrel fare of nuts, seeds, and fruit, with an occasional insect or bird egg.
📍 Chatuchak Park, Bangkok, Thailand 📅 27 October, 2023
These squirrels are some of the most inquisitive little creatures I've had the pleasure of coming face to face with — quite literally. When I approached a tree, they would poke their little heads around the sides to take a peek at me. As I got closer, instead of fleeing, the squirrels became more bold. They would excitedly scurry up and down the trunk and branches, constantly moving, their claws on the bark making a soft pitter-patter sound.
They were so curious and brave that their nose tips all but touched my camera lens as they approached for a sniff. Then they would do a quick one-eighty to hasten back up the tree or behind the trunk before changing directions again and scampering down to stare me right in the face once more. It felt like I was playing a game of hide and seek around a tree with five squirrels that were trying to both hide from me and to get as close to me as they could.
Where Does It Live?
⛰️ Wooded habitats; tropical rainforests, gardens, and city parks.
📍 Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam.
‘Least Concern’ as of 12 January, 2017.
Size // Small
Length // 21.5 cm (8.5 in) + 22 cm (8.6 in) tail
Weight // 278 grams (9.8 oz)
Activity: Diurnal ☀️
Lifestyle: N/A
Lifespan: 12.8 years (max in captivity)
Diet: Omnivore
Favorite Food: N/A
Class: Mammalia
Order: Rodentia
Family: Sciuridae
Genus: Callosciurus
Species: C. finlaysonii
This squirrel spends between 76% and 96% of its time being active, mostly foraging for food.
It is also called the 'variable squirrel' because of the difference in fur colour between populations and even between individual squirrels in the same area.
A male will perform calls and chase after a female in an attempt to mate with her.
These squirrels have three reproductive periods; during April, from July to August, and from November to December.
These squirrels are polygynandrous, meaning that both males and females breed with several mates.