
A collection of animal species from around the world.

*Sources for information and photos (unless they are by me) can be found at the bottom of each species profile.

Bird, Asia Alexander Julius Jensen Bird, Asia Alexander Julius Jensen

Spotted Owlet

While the spotted owlet is nocturnal, it can sometimes be seen during the day — it will bob its head and stare intensely at anyone who bothers it. This owlet can be located by watching for the small birds that often mob it or — during dusk and dawn — by the owlet's “chirurr-chirurr-chirurr” chuckle.

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Mammal, SE Asia Alexander Julius Jensen Mammal, SE Asia Alexander Julius Jensen

Finlayson's Squirrel

This arboreal squirrel is exceedingly energetic, spending upwards of 75% to 96% of its time being active. Most of this time is devoted to foraging; for bark and buds in winter, flowers in spring, fruits, seeds, and insects in summer and autumn. Males will also fervently chase females as part of courtship.

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Reptile, Caribbean Alexander Julius Jensen Reptile, Caribbean Alexander Julius Jensen

Brown Anole

A brown anole male can sometimes be spotted doing "push-ups", often with his orange-red dewlap — or "throat fan" — on full display. This performance can either be threatening or seductive, depending on the context, as he will do this to both scare away rivals and attract females.

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