
A collection of animal species from around the world.

*Sources for information and photos (unless they are by me) can be found at the bottom of each species profile.

Bird, Australia Alexander Julius Jensen Bird, Australia Alexander Julius Jensen


The mistletoebird of Australia and Indonesia specializes in feeding on mistletoe berries — digesting the flesh and depositing the sticky seeds onto branches in neat lines, where they quickly germinate and grow. The bird is nomadic, in near-constant search of mistletoe berries.

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Bird, Australia Alexander Julius Jensen Bird, Australia Alexander Julius Jensen

Night Parrot

The night parrot was believed to be extinct for almost 80 years. Despite widespread sightings throughout mainland Australia, this nocturnal parrot is one of the country's most elusive birds. It lives in isolated arid regions, spending most of its time on the ground and hiding within spinifex grass.

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Amphibian, Australia Alexander Julius Jensen Amphibian, Australia Alexander Julius Jensen

Moaning Frog

The moaning frog is named for its call, which sounds like a slow and drawn-out moan. This burrowing frog is native to southwestern Western Australia, where its calls can keep people up at night — it's recommended to gently flood the frog's burrow each night until the moaning male moves on.

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Bird, Australia Alexander Julius Jensen Bird, Australia Alexander Julius Jensen

Willie Wagtail

The willie wagtail is aggressively territorial. It's known to harass much larger birds (including eagles), venomous snakes, and humans that wander too close to its nest. Before an assault, it flares its white "eyebrows", making it look especially enraged.

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